
Showing posts from March, 2021


All the businesses provide either product or service to their customers. For the success of any business, a company or a firm ought to have a proper planning regarding the implementation of any particular task or target work. Money is the final aim of any ‘run for profit’ business. The biggest difference between a company  which is doing well and a company which falls short is the standard or quality of strategy planning they follow. In order to make the business a success, many firms use analysis tools such as PESTLE analysis , SWOT analysis , MOST analysis , etc. Let’s talk  about MOST analysis in detail. MOST analysis is one of the non-complex analysis techniques which is used to analyze, plan and evaluate what a company wants to achieve and how it will achieve. Businesses getting deviated from  their paths of the plans and strategies made to run the business smoothly, while serving their customers ,is quite a common issue. Here, in such situations, use of MOST analysis could be pr


With the advancement of technology, the majority of  the appliances are slowly being developed in such a way that they involve the usage of the internet to operate. In other words, the internet of things is becoming a trend. People  will be operating the device very smoothly using voice assistants and smartphones, in this way which will eventually make people’s life easy and fast. The advancement of the internet of things might lessen the differences between the real and virtual world in an innovative manner. What is the Internet Of Things? The Internet of things is nothing but all the physical devices around the globe which are operating with the internet connection and collecting and sharing the data. IOT is becoming a hot issue as it is used by many tech biggies. IOT signifies a network of interrelated, web-associated devices that can collect and disperse information and data over a wireless network without human interruption.    Growth Of IOT The usage of the internet is increas


In today’s world, having some kind of knowledge about the history of artificial intelligence is crucial as it is prevalent everywhere. But if we consider it as a contemporary tool, then it would be our misconception. Our forerunners had been building the concept of AI  for quite some time with the help of classical philosophers analyzing human thinking to be more of a symbolic system. A popular myth among the ancient Greeks was robots, while automates can be traced back to the ancient Greeks.  Let’s now discuss the timeline of Artificial Intelligence. Maturation of AI (1943-52) Year 1943 : Warren McCulloch and Walter pits initiated the very first work which is currently recognized as AI.  and Walter pits in 1943. Year 1949 :  An updating rule for the modification of the connection strength between neurons was demonstrated by Donald Hebb.  Year 1950 : An English mathematician, Alan Turing pioneered Machine learning in 1950. A test was proposed by Alan Turing under ‘computing machiner


The human eye usually gets more attracted to visuals  than written content. People also find it easier to understand through visuals and graphics. A faster and productive  way to convey the message is through data visualization techniques . It also spreads the message to  a widespread audience.  Data Visualization Techniques Box Plot - A visual outline of information is drawn out from box plot and whisker plot. Initially,  from the primary quartile, a box is drawn to the third of the data set.  Inside the box, a line is there which  refers to the median. Whiskers are drawn and then stretched out from the lower extreme to the upper extreme. Outliers are addressed by individual focuses that are in-line with the whiskers. This outline is useful in the longer run.  Heat Maps- A very different concept of representation of data is displayed by heatmap. It portrays the data in a graphical manner and colors are used to display different values. Charts- Charts is one the easiest data visualizat


What is digital marketing? Digital Marketing refers to any attempts on online marketing attempts or services. Whether it is email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, all these nothing but instances of digital marketing. The aim of digital marketing is to introduce , promote, publicize one’s product/ company to the public and convince them to purchase or engage with the pr oduct or service.  Let’s talk about 6 digital marketing tools and their features which have made digital marketing an emerging trend in the world of marketing and advertising. Google Analytics: It is one of the most popular tools of Digital Marketing. Google Analytics helps its marketers to gain knowledge of how many people consume their content and what their responses are to that content. Its key features are: It apprehends the sort of messages which resonate with the public. It finds that location of the user On top of that, the tool is absolutely free of cost. Moz: It's a leading m


As we all are evolving, we've developed a curiosity towards the products that we use and the services we consume. With the growing competition, it is the responsibility of the company to prove its position in the competitive market and for that, the easiest way is to market the product the right way through the correct marketing techniques . What is Marketing? Marketing is nothing but making people choose your product by developing trust which will eventually make them buy it. At a fundamental level, marketing is the process of understanding your customers, and building and maintaining mutual relationships with them. Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and exchanging products and services of value freely with others. One of the shortest definitions of marketing is “meeting needs profitably.” Whether the marketer is Procter & Gamble, which notices that people feel overweight and want tasty b