All the businesses provide either product or service to their customers. For the success of any business, a company or a firm ought to have a proper planning regarding the implementation of any particular task or target work. Money is the final aim of any ‘run for profit’ business. The biggest difference between a company  which is doing well and a company which falls short is the standard or quality of strategy planning they follow. In order to make the business a success, many firms use analysis tools such as PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis, MOST analysis, etc.

Let’s talk  about MOST analysis in detail.

MOST analysis is one of the non-complex analysis techniques which is used to analyze, plan and evaluate what a company wants to achieve and how it will achieve. Businesses getting deviated from  their paths of the plans and strategies made to run the business smoothly, while serving their customers ,is quite a common issue. Here, in such situations, use of MOST analysis could be profitable. MOST analysis is a properly structured tool that helps to allot targets to the members of a  firm. This analysis technique works from general to the specific method and ensures to maintain the focus on the chief goal of the firm. MOST analysis begins with the firm’s mission statement at the initial level and then it goes deep into specifications about individual tactics. While the process of planning, it is made sure that the strategies formed are aligned with the mission statement. 


4 elements of most analysis are:

Mission, objectives, strategy and tactics. Altogether, they frame this analysis tool which helps a business to achieve their desired goal.

MISSION- Mission is undoubtedly the most essential component of MOST analysis. Every business is run by a mission plan which is a company’s ultimate agenda. The more effort you put in for elaborating your mission, the more success you’ll gain in a longer run.

OBJECTIVE- Once a firm decides its mission, what comes next is its objective.

Objective is nothing but the cluster of all the short term goals that ultimately adds to the final mission. With every achieved objective, the mission target becomes easier to reach. Basically, objectives should direct the business.

Objectives of a business are:

  • Social Objective

  • Economic Objective

  • National Objective

  • Human Objective

  • Global Objective

Strategy- A strategy is a combination of various plans and ideas. Strategy includes different ideas that help a firm in achieving its long term goals. Strategy planning is one of the most important tools in MOST analysis because it decides what action is to be taken. It makes sure that actions taken personifies the mission of the company. 

Tactics-  Tactics is nothing but the actions performed to execute the plan or strategy. These actions are not very complex to be understood and implemented. Even the businesses who don't have a high level outline of the MOST analysis can execute this simple action.


The all four components of MOST analysis work in cooperation of each of its components. This will make the whole procedure successful.


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