As we all are evolving, we've developed a curiosity towards the products that we use and the services we consume. With the growing competition, it is the responsibility of the company to prove its position in the competitive market and for that, the easiest way is to market the product the right way through the correct marketing techniques.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is nothing but making people choose your product by developing trust which will eventually make them buy it. At a fundamental level, marketing is the process of understanding your customers, and building and maintaining mutual relationships with them. Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and exchanging products and services of value freely with others.

One of the shortest definitions of marketing is “meeting needs profitably.” Whether the marketer is Procter & Gamble, which notices that people feel overweight and want tasty but less fatty food and invents Olestra; or CarMax, which notes that people want more certainty when they buy a used automobile and invents a new system for selling used cars; or IKEA, which notices that people want good furniture at a substantially lower price and creates knock-down furniture—all illustrate a drive to turn a private or social need into a profitable business opportunity through marketing.

Marketing techniques

These techniques are used by different companies to collaborate with their consumers. It is also employed to aware the customers about the features, specifications and benefits of company’s products. It is basically focused on encouraging the target population to buy those specific products and services. The marketing techniques might be totally innovative or they can be previously tried or tested strategies.

It is a company's blueprint to reach targeted consumers and turn them into sincere customers of their products or services. There are certain marketing techniques which are planned with keeping 4 essential Ps in mind. These 4 Ps elaborate the approach towards the segment of the market or a specific group of customers.

4 Ps of marketing are:

  • Product

  • Place

  • Promotion

  • Price

Types of Marketing Techniques

There are different types of marketing techniques available. Picking up a marketing technique includes analyzing the needs of your business, your target audience and specifications of your products.

The two main types of marketing techniques are:

1. Business to business (B2B) marketing

2. Business to consumer (B2C) marketing

The most common form of marketing is business to consumer (B2C) marketing.

Types of marketing

  • Social media marketing

  • Advertising

  • Internet marketing

  • Direct selling

  • PR

  • Sales promotion

Some effective marketing techniques:

1. Content driven marketing techniques have proven to be the most popular ones in this era of the virtual world. In the current scenario, catchy and interesting content has become  intensely important to engage with your target audience in a right way.

2. Creative content is another big asset in getting traffic as it helps us to    convey our content in such a way that it creates a thought provoking   message in the audience and they are able to relate with it easily.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that the marketing sector is a huge ocean and contains different organisms of its own, having each organism of different use and importance.


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