In today’s world, having some kind of knowledge about the history of artificial intelligence is crucial as it is prevalent everywhere. But if we consider it as a contemporary tool, then it would be our misconception.

Our forerunners had been building the concept of AI  for quite some time with the help of classical philosophers analyzing human thinking to be more of a symbolic system. A popular myth among the ancient Greeks was robots, while automates can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. 

Let’s now discuss the timeline of Artificial Intelligence.

Maturation of AI (1943-52)

  • Year 1943: Warren McCulloch and Walter pits initiated the very first work which is currently recognized as AI.  and Walter pits in 1943.

  • Year 1949:  An updating rule for the modification of the connection strength between neurons was demonstrated by Donald Hebb. 

  • Year 1950: An English mathematician, Alan Turing pioneered Machine learning in 1950. A test was proposed by Alan Turing under ‘computing machinery and intelligence’. The test which can evaluate the machine's skill to display intelligent behavior equivalent to human intelligence, is called a Turing test.

Birth of AI (1952-56)

  • Year 1955: First artificial intelligence program which was named as "Logic Theorist" was created by Simon .38 of 52 Mathematics theorems, were found by him and many more elegant proofs for some theorems.

  • Year 1956:  "Artificial Intelligence” ,the word,  was first adopted by an American computer scientist called John McCarthy at the conference in Dartmouth. 

The golden years (1956- 74)

  • Year 1966: The researchers focused on creating algorithms which can solve various mathematical problems. Joseph Weizenbaum created the very first chatbot in the year 1966, which was named ELIZA.

  • Year 1972: WABOT-1 was the first intelligent humanoid robot built in Japan. 

Emergence of intelligent agents (1993-  2011)

  • Year 1997: In the year 1997,Gary Kasparov was beaten up by IBM Deep Blue in the world chess championship and became the first computer to beat a world chess champion. 

  • Year 2002: AI entered the home for the very first time as Roomba, a vacuum cleaner.

  • Year 2006: AI entered the Business world till 2006. Big companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix also started using AI. 

Big Data and Artificial General Intelligence (2011- present)

  • Year 2011: IBM's Watson won jeopardy which is a quiz show in 2011 where it was asked to solve the complex tricky questions as well as riddles. Watson proved that it could understand language and can solve complex equations speedily.

  • Year 2012: Google launched an Android app feature named "Google now", which provided information to the user as a prediction.

  • Year 2014: Chatbot’s "Eugene Goostman" won a competition in the  Turing test.

  • Year 2018: IBM’s ‘Project Debater’  debated on various complex topics with two expert debaters and performed extremely well.

  • Google exhibited an AI program named "Duplex" which was a virtual assistant and which took a hairdresser appointment on call, and the lady on the other side wouldn't notice that she was actually talking with the machine.


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